Last night we moved back home and I spent the day unpacking, doing laundry, and playing. The girls continue to do well together. My friend brought us pizza and a beautiful photo memory book of Olivia. Such beautiful photos capturing all of her faces and spirit. A gift from the heart and one that we will treasure always. Best of all the girls slept in their own beds all night long. Our day began at 6:30 am, but I can live with that.
Today, Aliette was introduced to our St. Paul's family. So many have been praying for our family. She was warmly received and showered with well wishes and love. I feel so blessed to be part of a community of believers. I could not have gotten through these past few months without God's grace and prayer. There is power in prayer and today I am celebrating God's blessings. Thank you God for sending us Aliette to love, nurture, and protect. May she grow up knowing your Grace and Glory.
Tomorrow: Olivia goes to school and Aliette and I wait for the TV repair man to come and fix our tv. Gymnastics.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Huge Accomplishment
Well, the girls are doing very well. Aliette continues to be an easy going baby. We've had an eventful few days, no wonder I'm tired. Recap:
Tuesday: Left Miami 5pm, went on plane for 3 hours, drove through a snowstorm arrived at Grandma's at 2:45 am
Wednesday: Played with Olivia, went to Wal-mart, meet Dr. S., pizza party and meet cousins
Thursday: Had blood drawn, ordered and wrote out invitations for welcome party, mailed final adoption payment, dropped car off to be serviced
Friday: TB test read, chest x-ray and ultra sound done, picked up car Mommy finally BRUSHED her teeth! Thank goodness, she was beginning to be ripe.
Saturday: Finally made it to Ansonia: going nowhere. Word of the day: Laundry.
Sunday: Hoping to go to church, depends on weather and how things are going.
Hoping that once we move home, we can begin a routine. I have no idea what one will look like, but I can dream, at least for a moment.
Tuesday: Left Miami 5pm, went on plane for 3 hours, drove through a snowstorm arrived at Grandma's at 2:45 am
Wednesday: Played with Olivia, went to Wal-mart, meet Dr. S., pizza party and meet cousins
Thursday: Had blood drawn, ordered and wrote out invitations for welcome party, mailed final adoption payment, dropped car off to be serviced
Friday: TB test read, chest x-ray and ultra sound done, picked up car Mommy finally BRUSHED her teeth! Thank goodness, she was beginning to be ripe.
Saturday: Finally made it to Ansonia: going nowhere. Word of the day: Laundry.
Sunday: Hoping to go to church, depends on weather and how things are going.
Hoping that once we move home, we can begin a routine. I have no idea what one will look like, but I can dream, at least for a moment.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Big sister
Today was all about the girls. Olivia and Aliette spent the day getting to know one another. We stopped by church and saw some of the prayer warriors of St. Paul's. Thanks Dawn for making Olivia feel special, while the others made Aliette feel welcome. What did we ever do without Wal-mart? Babies need lots of stuff. We went to lunch at Taco bell, don't worry the baby chowed down on baby food not tacos, then stopped by my house to feed the cat and sort the mail. Aliette feel asleep and Olivia and I played some board games and colored. We had a great time catching up. Then onto a 2 hour doctor visit. We waited for about an hour of that, but then the baby was poked and looked over. Until labs and blood work is back, not much to do. Her breathing continues to be labored, but the doctor feels it is viral because she responding well to breathing treatments and rattling isn't coming from the chest if that makes sense. At times she sound like a freight train! She continues to be a very happy baby, with a contagious smile. We came home to an impromptu pizza party. The cousins and Ryan came over to see the newest princess. They were all so good with her taking pictures and fussing over her. Bella was really taken with her. It was so sweet with her. Aliette got some new duds and the girls build her a build a bear leaving a message telling her they love her. She loved her new bear. Both girls collapsed by 9:00. I'm tired, but happy. Olivia is going to school tomorrow and we will be running errands, hoping to get my car serviced before the snow, but just don't know. Nothing urgent, but something that needs to be addressed sooner than later. Oh, well. I'm hoping to be in church on Sunday.
No place like Grandma's
We are in Ct. I haven't made it home yet, maybe tomorrow. I arrived at my parents house around 2:30 am. Olivia was ready to play around 6:30am, she looks like a GIANT, compared to Aliette. She is really taking her big sister role seriously. I'm sure the newness will wear off soon. We have a doctors appointment today and I need to make a Wal-mart run. Life is hectic, but I've never been happier in my life. She was a trooper on the plane, but drank like 3 bottles. By the time we landed she weighed an extra 3 pounds, just threw away those clothes and opted for new ones. Sometimes the laundry challenge isn't worth it, especially if it means bringing them home in a suitcase! Got to go, baby is on the move.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A friend from church, reminds me to take a breath, good advice. Last night, was the first night Aliette didn't wake up wheezing or coughing. Momma and baby got a great night sleep! She is still sleeping! Her breathing is labored, but not wheezy, praise God! So glad we have the pink stuff on board as well, because she hasn't pulled her ears. I promise some more pictures today around lunch time, but that will be the final post until we get home. Miami has been great, but there is NO place like home.
Hilary, thanks for posting the pictures up at school. Renee S. thanks for setting me up with Skype and getting the computer ready, Olivia loved it. See you all soon.
Hilary, thanks for posting the pictures up at school. Renee S. thanks for setting me up with Skype and getting the computer ready, Olivia loved it. See you all soon.
Monday, February 22, 2010
One more sleep
Tonight is our last full night in Miami. A surprise, the weather is going to be nice, so we might be able to get some beach shots after all, I'm hopeful. We don't leave Miami until 8:45pm, so we will arive around 12 am at Bradley. We had dinner tonight a Chili's and Aliette love all the attention. Although she ate prior to leaving, she is a member of the clean plate club.
Clare I would love to visit w/ you and Andra. Please bring the exersaucer, she loved the one at His House.
I have loved all the comments and the emails from all of you. We feel so blessed to have so many people who love and care about us.
Special thank you to my parents and brother for taking care of Olivia. My aunt for allowing me to take her husband for a week, and my sister who showed Olivia a great time. Suzi thank you again for allowing us to stay in your beautiful home. It was such a blessing after such a stressful time. I look forward to visiting with you when we get back into town. Now, the real fun begins as we become a family of 3. Stay tuned.
Clare I would love to visit w/ you and Andra. Please bring the exersaucer, she loved the one at His House.
I have loved all the comments and the emails from all of you. We feel so blessed to have so many people who love and care about us.
Special thank you to my parents and brother for taking care of Olivia. My aunt for allowing me to take her husband for a week, and my sister who showed Olivia a great time. Suzi thank you again for allowing us to stay in your beautiful home. It was such a blessing after such a stressful time. I look forward to visiting with you when we get back into town. Now, the real fun begins as we become a family of 3. Stay tuned.
Olivia mommy loves you and finally you can open that big present mommy wrapped especially for you. You are going to be the best big sister in the whole wide world. See you soon.
Monday blahs
Today has been a long day, no Internet until now! We spent the day with a final doctors appointment. She has been cleared to fly. She is still pretty congested, but doctor is unsure what her breathing was like in Haiti, so nothing compare it to. She is responding to the treatment, but not like she would have hoped. She is very happy we will be seeing our doctor in CT on Wed. She did put the princess on amoxicillin for an ear infection, but other than that the princess is doing great. Good sleeper, eater, and great personality.
Sorry, no pictures today. I took some at His House, but they didn't come out. Oh, well, maybe tonight she will do something spectacular for me to post. I'm going to go to pack.
Sorry, no pictures today. I took some at His House, but they didn't come out. Oh, well, maybe tonight she will do something spectacular for me to post. I'm going to go to pack.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunny Day
Today, we finally enjoyed the sunshine! Decked in shorts, flip flops, and hats we went to explore downtown Hollywood, Florida. We went to a park and we saw the beach. Since the Florida natives have been housebound for a week, everyone was out. We also weren't prepared to spend time on the beach: we left the house without the essentials: bathing suits, towel, sunscreen, water, instead we enjoyed the sights from the pier. Not complaining, it was just nice to be outside. Aliette and myself went to Target to pick up a baby doll I was going to ship home for her birthday, but they didn't have any more. Moral of this story: never hesitate, it won't be there tomorrow. Oh well, I have 2 .5weeks to find a baby doll for her 1st birthday.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
We are on the home stretch, only a few more days away from all of you. Joan, I hope your surgery went well. Here is a picture of all the grandchildren in the hot tub. I hope everyon there is doing well. I'll call you when we return. Make sure you don't over do.
Hello Bella, Sophia, Olivia and Charlotte, remember this photo? See you soon, have fun at grandma's at the sleep over. Don't stay up too late! Happy 2nd Birthday Addyson.
Today, the sun decided to come out and it is about 75! We went to Super Wal-mart to buy an umbrella stroller, so we can get around a little easier, especially at the airport. She is only 16.5 pounds, but after awhile my arms feel like mush, but the hip carrier has been a very helpful. Hoping to explore a little beach or downtown tomorrow. My uncle is at the flea market. He has found some treasures for all of his grands. We had a little adventure day, needed to go to after hours care, the princess was running a fever and had green slime coming out of her nose. After about an hour wait, we learned the princess has a secondary cold, but her treatments are working. Yeah, score one for the team. She is tired from our big shopping spree, so she is sleeping. I'm posting pictures and doing more laundry, this is one messy baby, Olivia was always so neat, not this one. Hello Gabriel, I am enjoying Florida, but it has been cold. I bought the baby a Miami dolphins outfit, with a baseball hat, she looks really cool. Keep reading and posting, I miss you to. See you in April, but I will bring in the baby after she gets well for you all to see her. Suzi, sorry you aren't coming, but we'll get together soon, I promise.
Here are some special photos, I'll post new ones of Aliette soon.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday night re-cap
Aliette is a sleeping beauty. We had a stay at home day. Still freezing here, so much warmer than CT, but when you go to Florida, you think of warm temperature and the beach, not this week. Tomorrow it might hit 70! Can't wait. Big accomplishment of the day was giving Aliette a bath. Again, I forgot how many things you need to get ready before you actually put the baby in the sink. She liked the water and got the hang of splashing really quickly. She is still very congested, but I believe she is sounding better, but now she is tugging on her ears. I am so grateful we go back to the doctors on Monday morning! Suzie's neighbor and cousin, brought over a huge tub of beautiful clothes. Aliette is going to be styling, the tiny clothes she has asked me to donate to His House. There was a 3 month old baby at Aliette know as Jane Doe. She was found alive in the rubble after 3 days, she needed surgery on her arms, but she will make a full recovery.
Still cold
I can't believe I'm wearing a sweater in Florida, but it is suppose to be nice tomorrow. We've had a lazy day today. Big adventure, going to Target. I love my navigation, but my Uncle would prefer the old fashion way of following your nose. He is a little annoyed that it gives gives different directions even though we are going to similar destinations, because of this, he can't get his bearings. I've learned long ago to trust her navigational sense over mine, because I'm directionally impaired. John hasn't fully embraced the idea of following her advice, but we still have a few days. I feel blessed that my uncle was able to come with me on this adventure. It would have been difficult to do this alone. Thank you so much, it means a great deal to me. He is smitten with Aliette. Enough babble, I know what you all want, more pictures. I've had several questions about her age. She is 11 months, with her 1st birthday on March 7th. 6-9 month clothing fits perfect, but they won't for long. Here they are:
1st night
She fell asleep during her 8pm breathing treatment and then woke up around 1 for the rest of her bottle and yet another treatment. She slept until 5:30 very wet diaper and we sang songs during breathing treatment. She has discover Cheerios! She loves to shake the can and watch them come out. Had breakfast around 6 am and then was exhausted and fell asleep again. I'm going to load a few pictures, rotate the laundry, I forgot how messy little babies are. Thank God for oxi-clean. Got to go, need a shower!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
1st day reflection
It is about 9:30pm and I'm one pooped momma, but a happy one. Tonight, she learned how to crawl. Watch out a more mobile Aliette! She is in good spirits despite her labored breathing. She is no longer fighting the nebulizer, thank god. She usually just closes her eyes and falls asleep. She is on a steroid to help and I PANICKED because the directions were to give her a 1/2 teaspoon and I only had a mL syringe. I have mastered unit conversions, but I wasn't taking any chances. I called 5 NCHS science teachers and they were all OUT. What are the chances that all 5 would be out at 8pm on a Thursday, it is vacation after all. Plan two, call the local pharmacy that issued the prescription, only they were closed. Plan three, call my pediatrician in CT. thank God for PHA. I am happy to report, I haven't overdosed the baby on the 1st day of care. A small blessing. Overall, she is a happy baby who enjoys being held, but can play independently for short periods. She will wear head bands and hats, (more photos tomorrow) until she realizes they are there. She likes to cuddle and her favorite activity is taking off my glasses. I really have to figure out how to wear contacts again. Oh well, who needs to see? Going to bed, no 3 or 4 am posting for me, instead breathing treatment!
I miss my ballerina
Look at this wonderful picture I found on my camera. I showed it to your sister Aliette and she smiled. You are going to love your new sister, she is very sweet. She likes to pull out her hair bows like did when you were little. She likes playing peek a boo, but what she really likes to do is pull off my glasses. I miss you. Talk to you tonight. Love you Mommy and Aliette
She's all MINE!
Well, she is officially mine. We spent most of the morning waiting, but we got to wait with her, so not so bad. It is so much better to wait together in Miami, than waiting for news, a phone call, or government parole. I can wait all day and then some, after all good things come to those who wait. Aliette's treatments are going well, we see the doctor in Miami again on Monday and follow up with our doctor on Wed. She is a great eater and is sleeping now. I love reading the comments on the blog, remember, you don't have to have an account, click anonymous and then sign the body of the note, so I know who posted it. I have located a place in the house where I can get wifi service so I can get and send emails. Happy doesn't describe how I feel.
Medical appointment
Today is our Gotcha Day! We visit the doctors together at 10:30. He is going to show me how to use the nebulizer and answer any questions I my have. I'm really excited about this opportunity because I would have fretted if I would have had to wait until Wed. to see a pediatrician. Now, for the rest of the week, we can relax, get well, sleep, and get use to one another. What a blessing. After appointment I sign a few more papers and then she is mine. I'll post more pictures tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
1st day meeting
I’ve decided I will type my response before I go to post, so all I have to do is copy and paste! Yes, an ahha moment. Where to begin? My Uncle and I left in the middle of the unexpected snow storm Tuesday afternoon. It was just a few flurries in the morning, but by 2 pm, there was about 5 inches when we left, fortunately Bradley only had a dusting, the stormed missed them. We boarded the plane about 50 minutes after our arrival, but needed to get deiced before taking off. The plane to Raleigh/Durham was small, but very comfortable. We landed and only 5 minutes later, we boarded a much larger plan to Miami. Lots of free seats, so we were able to spread out and RECLINE! I didn’t sleep, but rested. We landed about 9:30. We took a shuttle to the rent a car place and were given a red Nissan. They were NO help in putting in infant car seat, but didn’t worry because I thought the police would install. We are staying in a marvelous house in Hollywood, FL. Thank you very much Suzie, for allowing us to visit your lovely home. We will so much more comfortable here than in a hotel! We had breakfast in a local diner, with several members of the police force. Come to find out only 2 people in Hollywood are certified car seat installers, and neither was working today. I still not panic because I believed that someone at His House would help us out. Sure enough, Thomas was able to oblige. Now, for the information you all have been waiting for our first meeting:
Only moments upon my arrival to her cottage, I was able to feed her. She drank her entire bottle and was pretty upset there wasn’t anything left
She liked the few toys I brought
I was able to get her to smile and laugh
She is a love bug, with a beautiful smile
I don’t have to worry about hair, she is “bald” with soft strands of hair
Easy going
Wearing 6-9 month clothes, fit great. She will swim in my 12 month clothes, but I’m sure she will fill out.
Weighs in at 16 pounds
She is staying at His House for another night to receive medical treatment. I’ll be going to doctors with her tomorrow and then, she will be released into my care. After coming back from posting, we went to the best Italian food I have EVER eaten. Carini’s. I wanted Mexican, but navigation brought us here and we weren’t disappointed. Standing room only, but lined moved quickly. Awesome, food, garlic rolls that dripped garlic, calamari, and veal Parmesan. Yummy.
After a month of worry and constant prayer, I am overjoyed and enjoying every minute in my time in Miami. Strangers have welcomed me into their home and I am forever grateful. Aliette is a true gift from God and I am rejoicing at such blessings.
Olivia I love you like oodles of noodles and stars in the sky. Hope you had fun at dancing and McDonald’s. Be a good girl for grandma. Talk to you soon. Give piggy a kiss from me.
Only moments upon my arrival to her cottage, I was able to feed her. She drank her entire bottle and was pretty upset there wasn’t anything left
She liked the few toys I brought
I was able to get her to smile and laugh
She is a love bug, with a beautiful smile
I don’t have to worry about hair, she is “bald” with soft strands of hair
Easy going
Wearing 6-9 month clothes, fit great. She will swim in my 12 month clothes, but I’m sure she will fill out.
Weighs in at 16 pounds
She is staying at His House for another night to receive medical treatment. I’ll be going to doctors with her tomorrow and then, she will be released into my care. After coming back from posting, we went to the best Italian food I have EVER eaten. Carini’s. I wanted Mexican, but navigation brought us here and we weren’t disappointed. Standing room only, but lined moved quickly. Awesome, food, garlic rolls that dripped garlic, calamari, and veal Parmesan. Yummy.
After a month of worry and constant prayer, I am overjoyed and enjoying every minute in my time in Miami. Strangers have welcomed me into their home and I am forever grateful. Aliette is a true gift from God and I am rejoicing at such blessings.
Olivia I love you like oodles of noodles and stars in the sky. Hope you had fun at dancing and McDonald’s. Be a good girl for grandma. Talk to you soon. Give piggy a kiss from me.
Here she is
I have so much to tell you all, but I’m posting from Mcdonald’s and I don’t want to wear out my welcome. She is ill, but nothing that some medication, some attention, and love won’t cure. She is perfect. Tomorrow we go back to hospital and I get to talk w/ doctors, then she will be All mine. I’ll try to post every day, but I don’t think I will be able to answer emails, but I will when I return. I’m sooo happy.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
She has LANDED!
Still waiting on the Dept. of State, but I have confirmation that Aliette is waiting in Miami at His House. She is doing well and waiting for her momma to arrive. I have taken care of last minute details here: getting her medical insurance, dropping off sub plans, and dropping off supplies for Olivia. I can't believe I will be holding my daughter tomorrow at this time! I have to say this adoption adventure has been more exciting than Days of Our Lives ever was. I'm ready for my old boring life to resume. Stay tuned, hopefully, no more cliff hangers.
At 5:15 pm, I was contacted and told she was on the manifest to travel on the 8:30 flight leaving Haiti. I was told I would be contacted by someone from the State Dept. with the final details: She is in the air and arriving in Miami. 7:00 no call, 8:00 no call, 9:00 no call, 10:00 no call, 11:00 no call. Well, as you can see it is now 3:30am and there was NO CALL. I went to bed around 10:30 for all of you who worry about my sleep.
What does this mean? Well, two possibilities: One, the plane had mechanical failures and is still in Haiti. Second, she is in Miami, but the nice people at the State Department, didn't want to WAKE me up. Around 8am, I will call my contact and contact the foster care home and see if they can fill me in. I pray she is safe and cozy in a cottage in Miami, but I just don't know. Regardless, I plan on leaving this evening for Miami as scheduled and either scoop her up in my arms or wait for her blessed arrival.
Lord, you are a mighty God. Aliette is a gift that has been chosen to be spared from living in the rubble, instead she will be showered with love and be able to grow strong and healthy. Early in the morning, I need confirmation that she is okay and safe. My nerves are shot and I just can't handle many more delays. Please Lord, I need some good news.
What does this mean? Well, two possibilities: One, the plane had mechanical failures and is still in Haiti. Second, she is in Miami, but the nice people at the State Department, didn't want to WAKE me up. Around 8am, I will call my contact and contact the foster care home and see if they can fill me in. I pray she is safe and cozy in a cottage in Miami, but I just don't know. Regardless, I plan on leaving this evening for Miami as scheduled and either scoop her up in my arms or wait for her blessed arrival.
Lord, you are a mighty God. Aliette is a gift that has been chosen to be spared from living in the rubble, instead she will be showered with love and be able to grow strong and healthy. Early in the morning, I need confirmation that she is okay and safe. My nerves are shot and I just can't handle many more delays. Please Lord, I need some good news.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Aliette is boarding a Plane
Lots going on today! The President signed a list this morning and Aliette's name was on it. The orphanage was able to be contacted and they brought her to the Embassy. Since she is so little an escort needed to be found. An adoptive mom will escort her to Miami. She is due to depart around 8:30 pm from Haiti and arrive in Miami around 9:15. My uncle and I leave tomorrow evening arriving in Miami around 10 pm. I will be meeting her on Wednesday morning! I'll be bringing my laptop, so I will post pictures. Please pray for this last leg of the trip to be uneventful. We can't get returning flights until next Tuesday, so we will be enjoying Miami.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
Well, I can complain that Aliette isn't home, or rejoice in the fact that she soon will be. So today on this day set aside for LOVE, I am deciding to rejoice in the anticipation of her HOMECOMING. I am happy to report American A. did change the ticket from Tuesday to Friday, but we need to stay in Miami longer (Tuesday)or pay a HUGE amount of money to return any earlier (no compassion fare), so Aliette, my uncle and myself, will need to "rough" it out in Miami staying in a loaned beach house. I keep saying over and over again, God's timing, not mine. He knows what we need, so I'm deciding to follow without protesting (well maybe a little). I need to unpack and reassess, since I packed my suitcase over a month ago, and I really have no idea what is in it! It will be fun to see all the little outfits, baby bows, toys, food, deciding what to put into one small suitcase is not an easy task. Since we will be renting a car, any of those forgotten items can easily be located at the nearest Wal-mart or Target.
Olivia is very excited about Aliette coming home. Any time I leave and return, she asks me if I went to the "meeting" to bring her home. She also is very excited to use Skype. Dinosaurs were put off for another day, grocery shopping and new video took center stage. The water park is sold out, glad I learned this before driving to Waterbury, so we are going to go swimming at the community center after church.
Parting words, hug all you love a little tighter today. Give kisses freely and let people you care about know how much. Lord, on this day set aside to love one another allow peace and love to descend on all of your children. Send a missionary, a caregiver, or fellow orphan to give Aliette an extra hug and kiss today.
Olivia is very excited about Aliette coming home. Any time I leave and return, she asks me if I went to the "meeting" to bring her home. She also is very excited to use Skype. Dinosaurs were put off for another day, grocery shopping and new video took center stage. The water park is sold out, glad I learned this before driving to Waterbury, so we are going to go swimming at the community center after church.
Parting words, hug all you love a little tighter today. Give kisses freely and let people you care about know how much. Lord, on this day set aside to love one another allow peace and love to descend on all of your children. Send a missionary, a caregiver, or fellow orphan to give Aliette an extra hug and kiss today.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Change of Plans
I received a call today telling me the President won't be signing the list until next Thursday, so tomorrow, I will change my tickets from Tuesday to Friday, returning on Sunday/Monday depending on availability. She might get in on Thursday night, but most likely it will be late when they arrive. I'll have a better idea about times when I talk w/ airlines to check on availability. To be continued. . .
Might go and see the dinosaurs tomorrow and onto the water park on Sunday. I'm on vacation after all. The TV repairman is coming on Monday. I did my taxes yesterday and got an oil change today. Learned I have a slow leak in steering column, but it is covered by warranty. I guess I will deal with that before I go away as well. It is much easier to do these type of things without small children!
Might go and see the dinosaurs tomorrow and onto the water park on Sunday. I'm on vacation after all. The TV repairman is coming on Monday. I did my taxes yesterday and got an oil change today. Learned I have a slow leak in steering column, but it is covered by warranty. I guess I will deal with that before I go away as well. It is much easier to do these type of things without small children!
National day of Mourning
Today marks the month anniversary of the historic earthquake in Haiti. A month ago, I was still giddy with excitement over Aliette's referral. Only a week had passed. I was making plans to travel to the orphanage in April to begin the court proceedings and I was preparing for a 1.5 year wait. As you know, all of that changed on January 12th. Her orphanage was destroyed, but no one perished. They have lived outside under the stars in a make shift camp with little food and water. Two of the three babies have come home, and Aliette will be making her way home shortly. It has been a very long month for my family. It has been filled with such highs and lows. Relief and deep sorrow knowing my daughter is in Haiti and there is nothing I can do to bring her home faster. My story appeared in 2 newspapers, one year book, and on local news. Her homecoming will be celebrated near and far. For that I'm grateful because maybe from the chaos and rubble will come some blessings.
Lord, today I pray for the Haitian people for strength to rebuild and for a day to remember all of the love ones they have lost. I pray for the relief workers and those in the government who have been working around the clock to bring hope and stability to all those affected. I pray for the caretakers at the orphanage that they continue to be resourceful and get the necessary supplies. Finally, I lift up Aliette. Lay your hands on her and cure her. Remove all sickness from her body and restore her health. Surround her with your love and reassure her that she is loved and that mommy is on her way. All of this, I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
Lord, today I pray for the Haitian people for strength to rebuild and for a day to remember all of the love ones they have lost. I pray for the relief workers and those in the government who have been working around the clock to bring hope and stability to all those affected. I pray for the caretakers at the orphanage that they continue to be resourceful and get the necessary supplies. Finally, I lift up Aliette. Lay your hands on her and cure her. Remove all sickness from her body and restore her health. Surround her with your love and reassure her that she is loved and that mommy is on her way. All of this, I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Jefferson is in his mother's arms and on his way HOME
I just spoke to Amie and they have Jefferson. He is very quiet but doing well. They were only at the intake place for about 3 hours and now they are back in the car heading home. They are going to drive for a few hours, then stop for dinner and crash for the night. Tomorrow they will be a family of 6! Party in NC. Traveling Mercies my friend.
Blizzard and no tv
Last year I splurged on a new 42 inch TV during a black Friday sale. My old TV was 19 inch, so when I got this monster home, Olivia was in heaven. All was well until last night when we watching Swan Lake, the TV when poof. No picture, no power, just dead. The DVD, and att box still worked, but TV was dead. Dad came over and confirmed the diagnosis, very ill. Fortunately, I purchased the 2 year service agreement and called the 24 hour service number. I was impressed at my ability to put my fingers on the reciept and manual, after all it was over a year ago. There first available appointment for service was Monday. By Monday, Olivia will be in Dora withdrawal. So sad, new movies purchased for the big snow, lay unwatched and Olivia looks longingly at the TV. A few minutes ago, she called grandpa and told him to bring over different tools and fix her big TV, PLEASE.
It is around 2pm, so far the princess and I have accomplished the following:
* Made blueberry muffins for breakfast
* Vacuumed and mopped the floors
* Stripped the beds
* Folded a load of laundry
* Played a very long game of princess Monopoly
* Played Trouble
* Painted by numbers
* Made lunch and washed the dishes all by herself
* Played the rhyming game.
I wonder what the next 6 hours will hold? I'm praying for a nap, but I think the princess has other plans.
It is around 2pm, so far the princess and I have accomplished the following:
* Made blueberry muffins for breakfast
* Vacuumed and mopped the floors
* Stripped the beds
* Folded a load of laundry
* Played a very long game of princess Monopoly
* Played Trouble
* Painted by numbers
* Made lunch and washed the dishes all by herself
* Played the rhyming game.
I wonder what the next 6 hours will hold? I'm praying for a nap, but I think the princess has other plans.
Travel plans
Last night I called the airlines to discuss my unusual situation. I learned that there are no seats departing from Hartford or NY until Tuesday. Since we are expecting a blizzard today and probably shoveling out on Thursday, I booked it. They gave me a compassion fare which was half the cost of a last minute ticket and has flexibility in when you depart and return. If I didn't take it I feared they wouldn't have it when I called again and the next ticket agent might not have been so moved by my story. If I get the call that she is coming home on Thursday or Friday, we would need to drive to Florida. I am really concerned about her health, so waiting for Tuesday would be unbearable. When she arrives in Miami, she will be greeted by DCF workers and placed in protective custody. She will be given a bath and any medical attention she needs, prior to my arrival. When I arrive, my paperwork will be reviewed and she will be released into my custody. This usually takes about a day. Stay tuned for more details as they unfold.
Wild Tee's Check it out
If you don't know about Wild Tee's, I'm going to let you in on a wonderful secret. A group of mom's got together to design and promote biblical inspirational t-shirts. I bought several as gifts this Christmas and decided to buy one for myself. They are beginning a new promotion with 100% of the proceeds to benefit Eyes Wide Open changing the lives of Haitian people. This special t-shirt will go on sale on FRIDAY. I purchased the Sing Praises t-shirt and absolutely love it. What a great way to support the Haitian people and get an awesome t-shirt. Here is the website
Happy shopping: time to make a difference.
Happy shopping: time to make a difference.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Good News
Jefferson and Aliette were taken to the Embassy, so Jefferson is waiting to board the next plane to the US. His parents are waiting for the call, so they can make the 12 hour drive to Miami.
Aliette was visually confirmed and her travel documents are being prepared. She is on the next Prime Minister's list. He signed a list on Monday and we don't know when he will do it again, but when he does, she will need to be taken back to the Embassy where she will board a plane to the states.
Yes the light at the end of the tunnel.
Lord thank you for this blessing. Continue to watch over and protect Aliette and Jefferson as they wait to be reunited with their families. So many blessings.
Aliette was visually confirmed and her travel documents are being prepared. She is on the next Prime Minister's list. He signed a list on Monday and we don't know when he will do it again, but when he does, she will need to be taken back to the Embassy where she will board a plane to the states.
Yes the light at the end of the tunnel.
Lord thank you for this blessing. Continue to watch over and protect Aliette and Jefferson as they wait to be reunited with their families. So many blessings.
Count my blessings....
A wise friend send me an email and told me to stop and count my blessings, so here it goes..
* Aliette is safe and alive and has the necessary papers to come home
* An USCIS caseworker has moved mountains, assuring that MDA has access to the embassy
* The orphanage director has confirmed the children's embassy appointments for Tuesday Feb. 9
* I haven't cried in two days
* A friend from school gave me the most beautiful almost brand new Britax car seat!!
* My family has embraced Aliette and can't wait until she is home
* Olivia's cold is getting better
* I've completed all the grades, midterms, progress reports and have left detailed notes for the sub. I've talked to student's parents and even cleaned my desk.
* This adoption journey has touched the lives of so many: I can feel the prayers lifting me up
* Church community who are praying her home longing to hear those squeaky shoes
* Carpets that sparkle
* I know in my heart and soul I will be holding my second blessing sometime soon.
* Aliette is safe and alive and has the necessary papers to come home
* An USCIS caseworker has moved mountains, assuring that MDA has access to the embassy
* The orphanage director has confirmed the children's embassy appointments for Tuesday Feb. 9
* I haven't cried in two days
* A friend from school gave me the most beautiful almost brand new Britax car seat!!
* My family has embraced Aliette and can't wait until she is home
* Olivia's cold is getting better
* I've completed all the grades, midterms, progress reports and have left detailed notes for the sub. I've talked to student's parents and even cleaned my desk.
* This adoption journey has touched the lives of so many: I can feel the prayers lifting me up
* Church community who are praying her home longing to hear those squeaky shoes
* Carpets that sparkle
* I know in my heart and soul I will be holding my second blessing sometime soon.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Finally human contact
On Saturday, I called a contact at USCIS another adoptive mom had. I left a message and hoped she would return my called. This afternoon, she called me! I have never been so excited to talk to another person. She seems to know what is going on and has assured me that Aliette won't be lost or forgotten. She has promised to get her travel papers issued and get her on the next Presidential list. Problem is she doesn't know when he will be signing the next list. She said she will call me again tomorrow with an update. She is aware of Aliette's medical problems and if needed will put her on an immediate medical convoy. I'm still confused as to how she will determine her level of need, but I won't argue. The medical convoy might not go to Miami, stay tuned.
Did you know the month anniversary of the earthquake is Friday? Aliette and the others have lived in chaos for the past 30 days. It is time for our little ones to come home. I've been patient, following the rules, and waiting in line. I'm now stomping my foot and my voice is finally being heard.
Our contact has promised to contact MDA and assure them they will gain access to the Embassy. I pray they don't get turned away again, or they will need to send an extraction team to get the kids out next time. I'm sure the orphanage is tired of dealing with the American babies. I have nothing but admiration and respect for the Haitian caretakers who are risking their safety and well being to bring the children to the embassy. Despite the chaos, they have sought medical attention for my daughter, granted, I don't know if the doctors have medicine but they are doing the best they can under the circumstances.
Hang on little one, help is coming.
Lord, Aliette is sick. Heal her little body. Travel papers and presidential signature is needed so she can come home. I know the snow is coming, but I need to get to Florida soon, so I pray the airports will be only closed for a short time. Continue to make a way out of no way.
Did you know the month anniversary of the earthquake is Friday? Aliette and the others have lived in chaos for the past 30 days. It is time for our little ones to come home. I've been patient, following the rules, and waiting in line. I'm now stomping my foot and my voice is finally being heard.
Our contact has promised to contact MDA and assure them they will gain access to the Embassy. I pray they don't get turned away again, or they will need to send an extraction team to get the kids out next time. I'm sure the orphanage is tired of dealing with the American babies. I have nothing but admiration and respect for the Haitian caretakers who are risking their safety and well being to bring the children to the embassy. Despite the chaos, they have sought medical attention for my daughter, granted, I don't know if the doctors have medicine but they are doing the best they can under the circumstances.
Hang on little one, help is coming.
Lord, Aliette is sick. Heal her little body. Travel papers and presidential signature is needed so she can come home. I know the snow is coming, but I need to get to Florida soon, so I pray the airports will be only closed for a short time. Continue to make a way out of no way.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Urgent Prayers needed
I just received word that Aliette has an upper respiratory illness. She is clingy and lethargic. My agency has notified both USCIS and Joint Council and they will be discussing her case on Monday. In regular times, she could leave on medical visa, but this might put her on the next Presidential list. God I hope so. I also learned that Jefferson is still in Haiti. I am unsure if there was a plane or not, but regardless Jefferson wasn't on it. Please pray that both MDA children be on the next plane out of Haiti. They have patiently waited and now it is there turn.
The agency sent supplies and a generator to the orphanage. They sent a heart felt thank you. It is believed that the generator has been stolen, but it hasn't been confirmed. These are desperate times, stealing from orphans. One of the missionaries was a nurse and another took pictures, but I haven't received any yet.
Lord, tonight I ask that you protect Aliette and keep her safe until she can get the medical attention she desperately needs. Thank you Lord, for two full nights sleep. I feel calm, ready to face any challenge that comes. Please Lord, some good news tomorrow.
The agency sent supplies and a generator to the orphanage. They sent a heart felt thank you. It is believed that the generator has been stolen, but it hasn't been confirmed. These are desperate times, stealing from orphans. One of the missionaries was a nurse and another took pictures, but I haven't received any yet.
Lord, tonight I ask that you protect Aliette and keep her safe until she can get the medical attention she desperately needs. Thank you Lord, for two full nights sleep. I feel calm, ready to face any challenge that comes. Please Lord, some good news tomorrow.
Power cleaning
Well, it is Sunday and I'm still home. Sigh. I've stayed true to my words and I have washed, folded, and ironed about 8 loads of laundry. Not a glamorous thing to do on the weekend, but every sock, pants, dress, and unmentionables are back in their home awaiting the next stain. Aliette's pending arrival forced me to again toddler proof the house. Less than a year ago, I took down gates, removed light covers. Markers, scissors, glue and all sorts of treats had a bins, but what to do with them now? Olivia is very artsy, so she has lots of glitter, beads, and other fun treats any toddler would love to get there hands on. Storage has been my focus all weekend. I have a 3 bedroom cape w/ limited storage, so I need to be creative. I've bought a new DVD holder that will prevent Aliette from access. I've bought a large file box for all of Olivia's cutting, coloring, and gluing supplies. Large baskets for Aliette's toys. Put some larger toys in basement, moved the play kitchen into the dining room (wish I thought of this years ago, Olivia actually plays w/ it more ). I've cleaned out my kitchen drawers, coat closets, and garage. See what happens when you have all this pent up energy and you aren't sleeping much. I'm one focused momma.
New projects /dilemma's to solve:
* where to put hair supplies Aliette has lots of potions and lotions, combs and clips black hair is very, very different than ours (bathroom is tiny tiny)
* new larger table and chairs for the artist in training, one we have is very small and her supplies keep falling off.
* locate 2 solid blue bean bag chairs for the red room, only ones I can find are hot pink or purple or have sports emblems on it.
* small end table to go in my bedroom near the pack-n-play again for the stuff.
Did I mentioned I steamed cleaned the carpets? I only have wall to wall carpeting in bedroom and going up the stairs and hard words on the first floor. My cat always decides to get sick on the carpet at the top of the landing or in center of Olivia's and my rooms. I have a Spot bot which I absolutely love, but sometimes that leaves a stain. So, I borrowed a cleaner from my aunt and after about an hour of intensive cleaning my carpets have never looked better. I didn't move all the furniture, but I got most of it. I guess I can cross off carpet cleaning off of my list. My cleaning lady is going to be impressed with my changes. Fess up, who else cleans for the cleaning lady? My reasoning, you don't want to think you are a slob.
Today, nothing spectacular planned. Superbowl of course and getting ready for school. Suitcase is packed and back in the car, maybe tomorrow will be the day.
New projects /dilemma's to solve:
* where to put hair supplies Aliette has lots of potions and lotions, combs and clips black hair is very, very different than ours (bathroom is tiny tiny)
* new larger table and chairs for the artist in training, one we have is very small and her supplies keep falling off.
* locate 2 solid blue bean bag chairs for the red room, only ones I can find are hot pink or purple or have sports emblems on it.
* small end table to go in my bedroom near the pack-n-play again for the stuff.
Did I mentioned I steamed cleaned the carpets? I only have wall to wall carpeting in bedroom and going up the stairs and hard words on the first floor. My cat always decides to get sick on the carpet at the top of the landing or in center of Olivia's and my rooms. I have a Spot bot which I absolutely love, but sometimes that leaves a stain. So, I borrowed a cleaner from my aunt and after about an hour of intensive cleaning my carpets have never looked better. I didn't move all the furniture, but I got most of it. I guess I can cross off carpet cleaning off of my list. My cleaning lady is going to be impressed with my changes. Fess up, who else cleans for the cleaning lady? My reasoning, you don't want to think you are a slob.
Today, nothing spectacular planned. Superbowl of course and getting ready for school. Suitcase is packed and back in the car, maybe tomorrow will be the day.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
For a month now, my ordinary life has been thrown into utter chaos. People have asked, how have you kept going? Simple answer, I’m not on this road alone, God is with me. When I grow too weary, he scoops me up and carries me. When I grow lonely, he sends and earthly angel to pick up me or sends a miracle restoring my hope. God hears my prayers and the prayers from those moved and touched by her story. He is an Awesome God who needs to be PRAISED.
Lord, Thank you for this wait because it is during this time you have prepared my heart and mind to become Aliette’s momma. You have removed barriers and removed all doubt. Thank you, heavenly Father, for providing me with what I need and not what I want. I’ll continue to wait and listen.
Lord, Thank you for this wait because it is during this time you have prepared my heart and mind to become Aliette’s momma. You have removed barriers and removed all doubt. Thank you, heavenly Father, for providing me with what I need and not what I want. I’ll continue to wait and listen.
A nxiously awaiting your arrival
L onging to told you in my arms
I magining your smile
E nduring the wait
T enacious spirit guiding you
T ouched the lives of so many far and near
E mbarking on a new life, so stay strong my little one
I've always liked to read poems, but I've never been very good at writing them, but I've always fancied this type. Taught in the earliest grades, so I've had lots of practice. I wanted her home these past few weeks, now I need her Home. I'm growing weary, but know I need to be strong. Help me Lord.
L onging to told you in my arms
I magining your smile
E nduring the wait
T enacious spirit guiding you
T ouched the lives of so many far and near
E mbarking on a new life, so stay strong my little one
I've always liked to read poems, but I've never been very good at writing them, but I've always fancied this type. Taught in the earliest grades, so I've had lots of practice. I wanted her home these past few weeks, now I need her Home. I'm growing weary, but know I need to be strong. Help me Lord.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Jefferson has been approved to leave
My fellow adoptive parent Amie just learned that her son Jefferson was signed out by the Haitian President. The state department will call her again when he is put on the plane. Although I wish we were travelling together, I am so happy for my new best friend. She may be holding her 18 month son in her arms for the 1st time tomorrow. Happy travels my friend.
Lord, a prayer of thanksgiving. I would like to Pray for traveling mercies for the Fraley's and I especially pray for Jefferson's well being and health. Perhaps when Gladys brings Jefferson to the embassy Aliette will come along and get on the next one. Who knows maybe there will be an extra seat. Come on Lord, a mama can dream. How much longer Lord?
Lord, a prayer of thanksgiving. I would like to Pray for traveling mercies for the Fraley's and I especially pray for Jefferson's well being and health. Perhaps when Gladys brings Jefferson to the embassy Aliette will come along and get on the next one. Who knows maybe there will be an extra seat. Come on Lord, a mama can dream. How much longer Lord?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Princess is sick
Olivia has caught a royal cold. Runny nose, cough, and general whinnies has taken hold. Tomorrow, a trip to see Dr. Steves only to be told it is a cold and in about 10 days, she will be back to her old self. Oh, well, she loves the stickers!
Still waiting, but I'm hearing one word over and over SOON. My soon and Haiti's soon are very different. Soon for me is right away a few minutes, hours, maybe a day, but I'm learning Haiti's soon is more abstract might be a day or two, or was that a week? Doesn't matter, I know now she is coming HOME.
This weekend very exciting stuff happening: Laundry. I've ignored it all week, maybe two weeks now and we are running out of apparel and if you've seen Olivia's closet, that is some serious laundry!
I took time out today to go for polarity treatment: for an hour, I floated, emptied my mind of worry, and every cell of my body relaxed. Oh, how I LOVE my RUB. What a great t-shirt slogan. I could be the poster child for polarity. If you haven't tried it, I would highly recommend it, it has changed my life.
Still waiting, but I'm hearing one word over and over SOON. My soon and Haiti's soon are very different. Soon for me is right away a few minutes, hours, maybe a day, but I'm learning Haiti's soon is more abstract might be a day or two, or was that a week? Doesn't matter, I know now she is coming HOME.
This weekend very exciting stuff happening: Laundry. I've ignored it all week, maybe two weeks now and we are running out of apparel and if you've seen Olivia's closet, that is some serious laundry!
I took time out today to go for polarity treatment: for an hour, I floated, emptied my mind of worry, and every cell of my body relaxed. Oh, how I LOVE my RUB. What a great t-shirt slogan. I could be the poster child for polarity. If you haven't tried it, I would highly recommend it, it has changed my life.
No go
Chaos and fighting erupted outside the Embassy. The director felt it unsafe to travel with the children into Port au Prince. Right now, there is a backlog of people waiting and conditions are beyond awful, so instead of waiting for a plane that may or may not come, they have decided to stay put for now. Aliette and Jefferson are safe and loved at MDA. When conditions improve they will be brought to the embassy. Although, I desperately want Aliette home, I don't want to jeopardize her safety, so we wait. I take comfort knowing I have all the documents and she will come HOME.
The conference call wasn't as helpful as before, but we did learn all cases are now being processed in Miami. So at least we have a port of call. A NCHS parent has offered use of her summer home in Miami for us to stay while we wait and are being processed. So many blessings. Thank you Lord for making a way out of no way.
The conference call wasn't as helpful as before, but we did learn all cases are now being processed in Miami. So at least we have a port of call. A NCHS parent has offered use of her summer home in Miami for us to stay while we wait and are being processed. So many blessings. Thank you Lord for making a way out of no way.
Humbled and grateful
Yesterday, I was showered with blessings from my fellow colleagues at work. As a special education teacher, I don't just belong to one department, but my students and network interfaces with the entire staff. I know everyone by name and I'm happy to report when they see me with paperwork in hand they usually don't go running. They have learned that although my student might have a special need, I got their back. I respond to emails and I like to solve problems before they become problems. I've become a valuable resource, rather than a problem they have to endure. Throughout the day, I was showered with love, tearful hugs, words of encouragement and promises of prayer and help. Aliette was given a beautiful handmade quilt for her crib and a student brought in a special present for Olivia, so she wouldn't feel left out. I was humbled by the generosity and forever grateful. I love this famous quote "It takes an entire village to raise a child." Thank you NCHS for being my village. My family thanks you for your love and generosity and I can't wait to bring Aliette to school in her new squeaky shoes.
Yesterday, I was the guest speaker for the advanced child development class. Topic: Adoption. I had a great time talking with the class about my two very different adoptions. They asked great questions and they were so attentive. After reflecting on the discussion, it was a heart felt conversation, unpracticed, unplanned, and unrehearsed. No time for power points or photo stories, visuals or manipulative's, but I don't think it detracted from the meaning. There is currently 187 million orphans world wide, all just waiting for a home and someone to love them. Maybe today, my story planted a seed that will help bring one of these children home. The plight of the Haitian orphans have opened the eyes of many Americans. Maybe it took a 7.4 earthquake to get the world to look past the color of their skin, to focus on a child. Unfortunately, racism isn't a problem of the past, it is alive and well, but maybe a natural disaster of epic proportions has helped open the minds and hearts of middle America! Only time will tell. A month ago, Haiti the world's poorest country, only 45 minutes off the coast of Florida wasn't in the nightly news. Nobody seemed to care that 75% of its children are illiterate and often a family lives on less than a dollar a day. For now, the spotlight is on this country. I pray that the passion for helping our close neighbor doesn't fizzle as time goes by, but that real change will take place and improve the quality of living for all the Haitian people. I have pledged to help rebuild the Maison de Anges orphanage and restart the school. What are you going to do?
Yesterday, I was the guest speaker for the advanced child development class. Topic: Adoption. I had a great time talking with the class about my two very different adoptions. They asked great questions and they were so attentive. After reflecting on the discussion, it was a heart felt conversation, unpracticed, unplanned, and unrehearsed. No time for power points or photo stories, visuals or manipulative's, but I don't think it detracted from the meaning. There is currently 187 million orphans world wide, all just waiting for a home and someone to love them. Maybe today, my story planted a seed that will help bring one of these children home. The plight of the Haitian orphans have opened the eyes of many Americans. Maybe it took a 7.4 earthquake to get the world to look past the color of their skin, to focus on a child. Unfortunately, racism isn't a problem of the past, it is alive and well, but maybe a natural disaster of epic proportions has helped open the minds and hearts of middle America! Only time will tell. A month ago, Haiti the world's poorest country, only 45 minutes off the coast of Florida wasn't in the nightly news. Nobody seemed to care that 75% of its children are illiterate and often a family lives on less than a dollar a day. For now, the spotlight is on this country. I pray that the passion for helping our close neighbor doesn't fizzle as time goes by, but that real change will take place and improve the quality of living for all the Haitian people. I have pledged to help rebuild the Maison de Anges orphanage and restart the school. What are you going to do?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Dreaming of a snow day
What a day! A short cat nap and I'm wide awake. The other night, we lost power and although I reset the time on my clock, I didn't reset my alarm, so it went off at 1am. I'll go back to bed soon, but for now I'm enjoying watching the snow fall. It is so peaceful. God, I know I've been praying a great deal lately, but I could really use a nice snow day.
Tomorrow, there is another conference call with Homeland Security, USCIS, and a bunch of other agencies. These calls are great because we get filled in on what is going on and what to do next. They provide answers, calm fears, and give us hope that our children will come HOME. Stay tuned.
Aliette and Jefferson will be taken back to the Embassy tomorrow. This time our orphanage rep. is well prepared. He has the paperwork, printed emails explaining what he is do and what the Embassy is suppose to do. He also has been told, don't go back to the orphanage without the babies having their photos taken! Yes, God is AWESOME and with HIM all things are possible.
Tomorrow, there is another conference call with Homeland Security, USCIS, and a bunch of other agencies. These calls are great because we get filled in on what is going on and what to do next. They provide answers, calm fears, and give us hope that our children will come HOME. Stay tuned.
Aliette and Jefferson will be taken back to the Embassy tomorrow. This time our orphanage rep. is well prepared. He has the paperwork, printed emails explaining what he is do and what the Embassy is suppose to do. He also has been told, don't go back to the orphanage without the babies having their photos taken! Yes, God is AWESOME and with HIM all things are possible.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Praise God Miracle of the PAPERWORK
Yesterday, I took my suitcase out of my trunk and was trying to wrap myself around what to do next. Throughout the day today, I prayed and decided that the only left to do was to plan a trip to Haiti to bring Aliette home. So, I spent the day on the phone, exploring various travel options and speaking to many, many people. Around 5 pm, I took a break from the phone calls to check my emails and there they were. Sitting in my in box, looking so perfect FRAMEABLE! I'm not kidding. These are sensential looking, very official looking paperwork. It has Aliette's mothers fingerprint and all sorts of offical seal. This means, Aliette qualifies for Humanitarian parole category 2, and I don't need to go to Haiti. Instead, in a few days, maybe a week, Aliette will be home with us. Prayer, faith, and hope has gotten me through these past few days, my friends, don't let up because she isn't home yet! I've got some more calls to make, so I'll post some more later, probably at some ungodly time.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Worst fears confirmed
I received offical word today that all the adoption paperwork was destroyed. This was my worst fear, because the government is requiring documentation of abandonment prior to the quake. My agency has requested special consideration based on their reputuation and my other documentation. From what I understand, I'm not the only one with this problem, remember 7.2 EARTHQUAKE. Guess only time will tell, if Aliette will come home or have to remain in Haiti. Crazy how you can care so much for someone you have never meet. Tonight, I pray that my daughter is safe, has enough food and water, and continue to thrive under the special care of Gladys. May she know how much she is loved by her big sister and her mommy. It is our hope and prayer that you come home soon, but if you can't we will continue to pray for you and provide you with the basic necessities to grow stronger.
Saved the best for last
Aliette is one of about 100 US orphans still in Haiti. One can only hope that the remaining orphans will be gathered and sent home quickly. On Saturday, our agency requested another embassy appointment, but we have not heard anything since. Marta made it home to her mother in Orlando this weekend. I'm so happy for you Linnea. My new best friend Amy has been enjoying being home with her 3 darlings due to lots of snow and ice. Don't know if I could have endured the wait without you! Hoping to meet you in person really soon.
Onto other news, we didn't go see the dinosaurs, but went to an indoor bouncy place. Let me tell you, it is the place to be if you are under 4 ft. tall on a Saturday. We had fun playing with our new friend Benicio.
Got some rest this weekend, so I'm in a better place emotionally.
Onto other news, we didn't go see the dinosaurs, but went to an indoor bouncy place. Let me tell you, it is the place to be if you are under 4 ft. tall on a Saturday. We had fun playing with our new friend Benicio.
Got some rest this weekend, so I'm in a better place emotionally.
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