Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go

Today a phone conference for 10 am for all adoptive parents by the Joint Council. Unfortunately, the adoptive parents were all listening and signed in but they underestimated the band width and the administers couldn't come on. The conference took place an hour later at 11:00. This is what we learned:
* Conditions continue to deteriorate. They are committed to uniting all families with their children

* They have a secure location and would like to process all the children there instead of sending them to US Embassy

* Joint Council needs the OFDA (Office Of Human Disaster) to authorize NYC as the point of call. Currently children are put on cargo planes and parents are told where to go as they depart for the runway. Problem: If you are not standing at the door when the child land the child would be put in temporary foster care, but this should be only a day or two.

Waiting to hear, I'm basket case. Totally wiped out emotionally and physically but I have be very driven. In the past 48 hours, I have accomplished the following tasks:
* Gotten a hair cut and colored
* Power shopped for clothes, baby supplies, and hair products. My MLK Friends feel free to send hair hints and products
* Rearranged furniture
* Cleaned out closets
* Went on church retreat
* Went to see a dinner theater production of Hansel and Gretal
* Celebrated my brother's 33 Birthday: Happy Birthday Scott
* Set up Skype for Olivia-because I don't know where I going and for how long I'll be gone
* Made up mid terms for my students this week
* In the process of making sketchy sub plans. Sorry guys, whoever gets my gig is going to have to be creative, because I don't have much left

Again, thank you all for being supportive and praying Aliette home

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