Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Going to take a moment from our regularly scheduled adoption topic to thank God for all the blessings He has showered me with today:

* Olivia and I got out of the house without a meltdown
* I meet with my Superindent and he told me he would help me in any way possible
* Aliette will have medical coverage from the moment she touches American soil
* I was able to get an appointment with my polarity specialist, my energy is flowing and my arms are no longer heavy (Heavenly rub was just what I needed)
* During Olivia's dancing class, I was given tips on basic hair care. We have a date to go shopping for lotions and potions in two weeks.
* Aliette's homecoming will be the feature story on the BBC news. How cool is that! Time to set my Tivo.
* I got 7 hours sleep last night. It was the first night I slept soundly and my ability to go with the flow has returned.
* Since I was more rested, I didn't shed one tear today. I think I even smiled and laughed.
* The adoption agency finally was able to communicate with the orphanage. We didn't get any updates on our children, but we also didn't hear that anyone was sick or have died.
* Looking forward to another early night and I'm putting out good thoughts, praying tomorrow will be the day they put Aliette in my arms.

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