Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Update

Hello friends,
Thank you so much for your calls, cards, and emails. They mean so much to me and my daughters. I received word on Tuesday night that Allie is alive and for the moment safe. The conditions in Haiti are dire. Right now, it is too early to tell how this tragedy will impact my adoption. I'm assuming it will lengthen the process, but there is a chance she might be granted a humanitarian visa, but a Haitian passport is needed and she doesn't have one yet and there are no government buildings standing that can issue one. This is unlike other disaster there was a huge orphan problem prior to the earthquake and now the problem is magnified. So tonight I pray, that she will be able to come home sooner rather than later. With God anything is possible. I will use the blog to update the process. I haven't been doing such a good job about it because Olivia dropped my camera and I needed to buy another one and I hated it. It had too many dials and I couldn't make it do the simplest of things. I bought myself a new camera for Christmas, so I will be updating the site with pictures of Olivia. I am unable to post pictures of Allie online. Those of you who have gotten New Years' cards, please do NOT post pictures of her on the Internet as it might impact my adoption. Many of you have asked what you could do to help. Right now I ask you to pray that Allie will be able to come home on a humanitarian visa and for supplies to reach the orphanage.

Also, if you are able please consider sending a donation to my orphanage. 100% of the funds will go directly to rebuilding the orphanage and for needed supplies. The building was damaged during the quake.

Check made payable to Building Arizona Families and in the Memo field reference MDA or Haiti. Please mail all checks to:
Building Arizona Families
18449 West Ivy Lane
Surprise, Arizona 85388

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