Saturday, January 23, 2010


We are in a holding pattern. Aliette's orphanage is about 10 miles from Port au Prince. They have sought safe haven with a large orphanage up the road, but they don't have the nannies to lose three to take them to the embassy and wait in lines for days. There is also not enough food and water to sustain the little ones during the wait for the proper paperwork. My agency is working with the state department and Joint Council to have the kids escorted by them rather than orphanage staff. Currently, Aliette and the others are alive and safe, but this could change any time.

For the past week, I have been glued to the computer and my cell phone, waiting for the CALL to come get her. Reality is it may be weeks before she comes home. I've shared my story with the press Waterbury Republican and BBC, called Senators and Congress, now I need to TRUST in God to perform a miracle. I mentioned 2 other families anxiously awaiting for their Haiti child to come home. Amy, from North Carolina, has become my new best friend. She gets it. She understands first hand the rollercoaster of emotions, the fear that they might not grant parole to our babies because they are new into process or have a missing paper. She is a military wife and like myself has been making lots of noise. She is talking with military to see if they can conduct a search and rescue mission. Extreme, yes, but this is the time for action and to do nothing will be jeopardizing the lives of three children loved by their families in the US.

This weekend I'm going to continue to get ready for Aliette's homecoming but after the crib is set up, the dresser put together, and closets purged, I'm going back to my life. I'm going to try to focus on living today, not worry about things I can not control. This won't be an easy task, but a necessary one because it is just too hard to live without sleep and constant worry.

No I'm not giving up Hope. I have hope and faith that she will come HOME, but I'm not in control. God is. He is in the mountain moving business, so I'm stepping aside, so He has room to work.

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