Monday, May 10, 2010

Never a dull moment

I'm sorry I haven't been so attentive to my loyal readers. There has been lots going on. I've returned to work full time. The transition back to the workplace went smoother than I had anticipated. Aliette settled in nicely at daycare and Olivia loves having her sister at her "school." The morning is a little hectic, but I've manage to get 2 kids and all of their belongings in the car by 6:20am! not bad.

I've spent the past 3 months trying to figure out how to get custody of Aliette. Although she is in my physical custody, I have no legal claims to her. Just recently, my social worker found someone who might be able to help me. We are hoping to get both custody and finalize the adoption. Please pray that I will be awarded custody and the adoption finalized and the funds needed will appear. With God, all things are possible. He makes a way out of no way.

I finally decided where Olivia will go to kindergarten. She will be attending school across the street from where I work. It is a wonderful school with high academic standards. She had other options, but I'm only one person who needs to be on time for work. A former student will be watching her for 15-20 minutes in the morning and walking her across the street. A win, win situation.

Last week, on a beautiful sunny day, I took the kids to the beach to fly a kite. Olivia has wanted to fly a kite for months now. She didn't really understand about needing wind, but I think she understands now. She loved kite flying. She handled the kite like a pro.

Aliette has been diagnosed with asthma. Although I'm not a worrier by nature, having a child with breathing problems isn't fun. We spent most of Saturday in the ER with 105 fever and significant breathing distress. The doctors are following her closely and have readjusted her medications.

I haven't heard again from Oprah. I was hoping to visit the windy city, but guess it wasn't in the cards. I'll keep you posted.

I know you all want to see new pictures, so I'll post them later this week.

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